Powerhire delivers more
Powerhire is supported 24 hours per day by a team of highly skilled Mobile Service Technicians and Technical Managers with a comprehensive electrical and mechanical knowledge of the Power Generation Industry. Their experience and commitment enables us to provide a professional and efficient service to all customers regardless of whether we are supporting a single rental generator or a multiple set base load paralleling system.
Latest Project News

Powerhire come to the rescue for League Two Football Club
Founded in 1976 following the demise of the town’s former football club, this...

Emergency Generator Hire for Engineering Solutions Provider
Emergency Generator Hire for Engineering Solutions Provider When our Powerhire Sales Manager...

Temporary Power Package for 1933 London Art-Deco building
A long standing customer of our sister company, The Generator Company, received contact from the...

Powerhire provide party power for Eurotunnel 25th Anniversary Celebration
Power Hire Package for Anniversary Celebrations In 1994, in what was regarded as one of the...